How to get to the Fire Dojo:
To get to the Fire Dojo, you must first but the amulet from the Martial Artworks catalog. (Sorry nonmembers, this means you won't get to go ): ) Once you have bought it, you have entrance to the Fire Dojo (If you know what to do to unlock the secret passage, which I will show you).
After buying the amulet, click the stone tablet in the ground of the Ninja Hideout with the fire emblem on it.
Once you've clicked the stone tablet with the fireemblem on it, a doorway should appear. Go through it to get to the Fire Dojo.
The Fire Ninja Volcano/Dojo:
Click the pillow with the sign above it that says "Card Jitsu" to speak to Sensei, just like at the dojo!
Talking to Sensei:
Curious about Sensei's fire ninja suit? Click it and find out about it!:
After clicking on Sensei's fire ninja suit and saying yes you would like to learn about it, he will tell you a story on how you earn it.
You may also challenge other penguins to a game and try to earn your fire ninja suit. You may also challenge Sensei to a game. He will not say no, but it takes much practice and mastery at the game to defeat him.
When all players have been chosen, a box that looks like this appears:
How the game is played:
There are many parts to this game board. There are element/battle tiles: Fire Battle, Snow Battle, Water Battle, Card Jitsu Battle: Choice of Element, and Card Jitsu Battles: Any element & some 2-Player. Your penguin is located in the top left corener of the screen, and your cards, directly under your penguin. Your opponents are located on the right-hand side of the screen. Finally, in the center of the circle of battle tiles, there is a number wheel, numbered 1-6. When it is spun, it indicates how many spaces, clockwise or counter-clockwise, that you may move around the circle.
When it is your turn, the number wheel in the center of the circle whill light up. Click it to spin it.
After the wheel is spun, the number of spaces you will get to move will light up in flames on the wheel. From there, you may move clockwise or counter-clockwise around the wheel for that many spaces. The spaces you may move to are identified for you, and there are two spaces you can move to for each turn, each indicating what type of battle will follow it.
In the game, there is ticking time and energy. When spinning the wheel and deciding which tile to jump to, you have a time limit of 20 seconds. This also applies when deciding which card to use in a battle.
During a battle, you can either win, lose, tie, or, when in a 2-Player Card Jitsu battle, win and get one energy point:
Depending on which place you get at the end of each game, you get a certain message:
Dont forget to check your progress!:
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